All semester tests will now be on Wednesday, December 21st, during normal scheduled periods. If students opted out of 1st & 2nd period tests they need not to be here until 3rd period no matter what grade as long as they have their own transportation. If students don't have semester test 7th & 8th periods they may leave early no matter what grade as long as they have their own transportation. A student who is in school and not testing will be in study hall. If we do have school on Thursday students will be expected to be here.
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
Tonight's 5th - 12th grade Choir Concert will be live streamed on Big Sioux Media starting at 6:30pm. Here is the link that will take you to the webcast
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
The high school boys basketball games at Garretson that were rescheduled for Friday, December 16th have been postponed (again).
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
The Tri-Valley School Board meeting that was postponed from Monday will be held on Friday, December 16th at 9:30 a.m. in the McAreavey Board Room. The agenda can be found at:
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Tri-Valley will have a 2-hour late start on Wednesday, December 14th.
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Tonight's doubleheader basketball games with Madison and wrestling meet at West Central have been postponed and will be made up at a later date.
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
Tri-Valley is closed today. 12/13/22
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Tri-Valley will have 2-hour late start on Tuesday, December 13th.
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Tonight's school board meeting has been postponed. A new date has not been decided yet.
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
The high school boys basketball games scheduled for tonight against Tea have been postponed. 12/12/22
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Tonight's game with Tea is a home game and it will be lived streamed on Big Sioux Media. The C game will start at 5:00, JV game at 6:15, and the Varsity game will start at 7:45.
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
The agenda for the school board meeting on 12/12/22 has been uploaded to the Tri-Valley School Website.
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Updated Tri-Valley Winter Concert Schedule - see below image for details!
over 2 years ago, Tri-Valley School District
Update Concert Schedule
All after school activities and practices have been canceled for tonight.
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
Today's high school basketball games scheduled in Parkston have been rescheduled to tomorrow, 12/9/22. All times and locations will remain the same: C & JV bus will leave at 2:00 pm Varsity bus will leave at 3:45 pm Boys C & Girls C play at 4:00 pm. Boys in the Armory & Girls in the MPR Boy JV & Girls JV play at 5:00 pm. Boy in the Armory & Girls in the MPR Girls Varsity starts at 6:30 pm in the Armory Boys Varsity starts at 8:00 pm in the Armory Respectfully, Dr. Mike Lodmel, Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Greetings, The 3rd-5th grade concert for tonight (12/8/22) has been postponed. The rescheduling of our concerts is as follows: Thursday, December 15th – JrK-2nd grade concert will begin at 6:30 as scheduled. 3rd-4th grade concert will begin at 7:45 p.m. (on the same night as Jk-2) Monday, December 19th - The 5th-grade will have a concert in conjunction with the 6th-grade starting at 6:45 p.m. The 7th-12th grade concert will be that same evening beginning at 7:15 p.m. So, in summation, the 3rd and 4th-graders will have their concert after the JrK-2 concert next Thursday (15th). The 5th-graders will have their concert before the 7-12 concert the following Monday (19th). Thank you for your willingness to adapt with us as we go through this winter season. There will be no after-school activities today in Tri-Valley. Respectfully, Dr. Mike Lodmel, Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
All of tonight's basketball games (high school and middle school) have been postponed due to impending weather. I will post make-up dates as soon as we have them.
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
Greetings, Today (12/18/22) is a busy day for Tri-Valley activities. We have multiple teams that are scheduled to travel to other locations, including as far away as Parkston. In speaking with our transportation director and reviewing the current weather forecast, we are not comfortable having these buses on the roads this evening when according to the National Weather Service travel will be “hazardous”. Therefore, all Tri-Valley basketball games (junior high and high school) have been postponed and will not be played this evening. Many of these buses would be leaving the school in the next couple of hours so we had to make this decision at this time. We are also scheduled to host the 3rd-5th grade elementary concert tonight at the school. No official decision has been made on the concert as of this time. We are going to wait a little more so we can have the most up-to-date forecast to see if there are any updates or changes to the current weather forecast before making a final decision. We will make another announcement concerning the elementary concert scheduled for tonight no later than 4 p.m. today. This announcement will again be sent out to parents via email and posted to the Tri-Valley Facebook page. Respectfully, Dr. Mike Lodmel
over 2 years ago, Mike Lodmel
Tonight's boys and girls varsity basketball games at Parkston will be live streamed through Big Sioux Media beginning with the girls varsity game at 6:15pm. Here is the link that will take you to the game
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady
Tonight's 3rd - 5th grade Christmas Concert will be lived streamed through Big Sioux Media. It starts at 7:00 pm and here is the link that will take you to the concert
over 2 years ago, Rob Grady